Tag: Inquiry

What is a Prototype ?

This week for Inquiry we are learning what is a prototype.Here is what i did.

First Miss Tele’a was asking kids on the mat  a what is a prototype i was thinkinh really hard until i figure i t out a prototype is a first version of a device.Miss Tele’a sent us off & then i started doing my work.Miss Tele’a said we can do it on google slides or google drawing.

Next I was done with my slides & then i started blogging i was wondering what should i write on my blog caption when i post my work onto my blog.

Laslty i am done with my blog & now i put it on to my Inquiry folder & then i link it onto my must do list & then publish my work onto my blog.

About Albert Einstein

This term for Inquiry we are going to be doing Kitchen Chemistry.

For our first week of Inquiry, we talked about what and who a scientist is.  A scientist researches and investigates the world around us.

First we had to answer 3 questions on a Jamboard.

Next we had to choose out of five scientists, and I chose Albert Einstein, becuase I know lots about him already.

Next we had to show Miss Tele’a to see if we can blog.

Inferring from the Treaty

In Inquiry we are learning to make inferences from paintings of the Treaty. When we infer, we say I see ____ so I can infer.

First we had to look at the picture. It was a picture of the maoris and british signing the treaty of Waitangi.

Next we had to infer what we saw in the picture. What stood out to me were Maori that had muskets.

Lastly we had to write a blog post to put our must do on.

I did well at finding the inferences. I need to improve on finding harder pictures to write about. I enjoyed reading the book.