Category: Hanga | Create

NZSL week

This week it was NZSL Week.

We learnt  to say our name in Sign Language.

It was super fun. At first we had to learn our letters.

Next we had to add our letters of our name and put it in a row.

Finally we had to film and then blog it.


Task discription: This week I was working on taniwha’s.On the next page is what I found interesting, minus and plus I have learned a lot of things about taniwhas.

How to be a good friend

  1. is there for you, no matter what.
  2. doesn’t judge you.
  3. doesn’t put you down or deliberately hurt your feelings.
  4. is kind and respectful to you.
  5. is someone whose company you enjoy.
  6. is loyal.
  7. is trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth, even when it’s hard for you to hear.
  8. laughs with you.
  9. that,s how to be a good friend

Friend ship

Friendship is a bond between two  people . They respect their each ways of doing stuff & respect their boundaries .

Friends always have each others backs when they,er down no matter what . Friendship is people who,s bond can not be broken

Friendship can be long distance friends .

Friend ship lasts forever . When your read this you would know what friendship is .

Always respect your friends and close ones.


This term we had to make a google drawing of how to care for your chromebook.

First I made the google draing and did the title .

After that I did the instructions and thinked about what to write

Then I colored the instructions with fun  colors.

Finally I decorated it.



This week for Reading we had to do Poetry .

First we had to open our class site and listen to the song shotgun bye George Ezra .

After that we had to answer the questions and highlight the words in the sound that are

Litery device words like Metaphor , Simile , & Rhyme . Then we had to put the sentences

that were in the song in order . Next we had to write down were we would wanna visit

and explain why . Then we had to write a 20 word Summary . Finally we had to make a picture from Kleki

of us listening to Shotgun.

lastly we finished it and we blogged